Curated by Lucy Bainbridge
Jen Moore
Jennifer is an artist and architect who is interested in making images, forms and spaces through print and sculpture. In her printmaking she explores space and place, mainly using silk screen and most recently cyanotype.
Katy Binks
Katy Binks is a multi-disciplinary silkscreen artist who responds to colour and the architectural forms in the urban environment with a bright, experimental approach. Katy explores a looser, more intuitive approach to printmaking. This way of working has given her a new sense of freedom and has invigorated her practice to such an extent that it now has more in common with painting than with edition-led printmaking.
Lesley Syme
Lesley is printmaker based in South East London. She will be showing unique monotype prints made with horsetail, one of the oldest and simplest plant forms, and her current obsession.
Lucy Bainbridge
Lucy Bainbridge completed a Print MA in 2003 and has been working in print ever since.
Using light and shadows Lucy’s work explores pausing moments in time, and shifting the focus on to the mundane. Her practice uses different print mediums including photopolymer and screen print.
Olivia Wells
Olivia graduated with a Print MA from the Royal College of Art in 2022. Her practice explores human engagement with digital and natural environments through the use of materials such as graphite, paint and ink.