Watch our short educational films and webinar recordings produced by Bell House for the Bell Health project on a range of topics.

Learn how to use sign language to communicate with your baby. In this workshop speech and language therapist Jennifer Warwick and baby signing expert Charly Lewis provide an overview of language development in babies and top tips for development.

Clare Ewing talks about endometriosis, a commonly misdiagnosed condition where cells that normally line the womb are found elsewhere in the body.

Miscarriage is the most common complication of pregnancy with 1 in 4 women experiencing at least one miscarriage during their reproductive lifetime. A miscarriage is the loss of a baby before 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Contrary to the widespread belief that early pregnancy is too soon to grieve a loss, or that only mothers feel bereft, medical research charity Tommy’s have found profound psychological effects on both parents. And yet, a woman currently has to go through 3 miscarriages before she is offered care or treatment.
Experts Hanine Fourie and Anna Nella discuss early, later, and reccurent miscarriage, and explore some of the current areas of research and care pathways available.

Julia, a representative from Lyme Disease UK, talks to us about tick bite awareness in the UK, the effects of lyme disease and how to prevent it.

Keeping moving is important for people of all ages to make sure we stay healthy and happy and it's especially important when we spend more time indoors.

Gabriella Kountourides traces the history of PMS, discussing how it has gone through several re-inventions, from labelling women as 'hysterical' and moving to pre-menstrual tension. A feminist lens is used to discuss how the labelling of women’s experiences before their period as a ‘syndrome’ could have helped to keep them out of the workplace. To conclude, the talk also discusses the state of current research on PMS and hypotheses on why some women experience PMS.

Get answers to your questions about vaccinations for your baby with paediatrician Dr David Elliman in this online Q&A session which looks at some of the common questions.

Did you know that period products are a major source of pollution? Most period products contain plastic - a menstrual pad can contain up to 90% plastic.The average person who menstruates throws away up to 200 kg menstrual products in their lifetime so that could be up to 180 kg of plastic (about three times your body weight!).
You can make eco-friendly choices and this short film from Bell House Films explains some of the choices available today

Doctor Sangeeta Mahajan shares with us her extensive insights in teen mental health, risk factors, things to look out for and where to get help.

Dr Sangeeta Mahajan offers her personal perspectives and reflections on the importance, possibility and ways of finding meaning after deep loss.

Do you remember your first period? Are you comfortable talking about periods? Some young girls do not know what to expect. In this film, women and girls talk about their first period and how they felt. Share your stories and show the film to your daughters, nieces and friends.
This is the first of three films from Bell House Films made following our parent and daughter event on periods.

What is a period? How do you know it's going to come? Do you keep track of your period with an app or do you use a good old-fashioned diary? Is your period heavy or irregular? These and many other questions are answered in this short film - the second of three Bell House Films made following our parent and daughter event on periods

What is involved when you go for a cervical screening, and why should you go? This film explains all. It was made as part of our Wipe Out Cervical Cancer event, and our Bell Health programme.
Contact Us
Would you like to get involved in our Bell Health films? We welcome ideas of film topics, health experts who would like to feature in our films, and film-makers who are interested in making films for Bell House. Get in touch with us at [email protected]