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Critter's Art Club: Make a Mobile

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This is a series of online workshops for children and families who love getting creative! We will be doing four sessions based around drawing, painting and crafting. This can be a fun, relaxing antidote for home learning that is social and creative!

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The activities we will be doing are ‘Pet Portraits’ (No actual pet required!), 'Rainbow Stencils’, ‘Make a Mobile’ and ‘Paper Puppets’. You are, of course, welcome to join all sessions but feel free to drop into the individual activities that take your fancy. We will be using Zoom to deliver these sessions.

Each participant will receive a certificate and all artwork made will be published in a online exhibition. We hope you will join us!

Nina Goodyer will be running these sessions. Nina is an illustrator and artist from Brighton, who now lives in the big smoke! Her practise combines hand-drawing, digital elements and low-tech printing methods. The result is bright, textured illustrations that show cute critters and colourful characters. She has made illustrations for the Scouts, Scoop Magazine and Mantle Lane Press amongst others. She also runs creative workshops and craft activities in the local community.

Instagram: @ninarubygoodyer


To book a ticket please make a donation. The suggested donations are £8 per session or £30 for all 4! 

Contact Emily at [email protected] if you have any questions.