Using technology to help with learning
An overview of technological tools to support older dyslexic learners, both those commonly found in generic devices, and more specialist resources. As well as demonstrating aspects of hardware and software, participants will be encouraged to share their own tips with others. Bring your machines and join in.
Tickets are £7 each. If you need a free ticket please let us know by emailing [email protected].
About the Speaker
John Galloway is a specialist in the use of technology to improve curriculum access and communication for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. He has worked with teachers and learners in all phases of education, in several local authorities, and devised and delivered training through to post graduate level.
John has written several books and many articles, and spoken at conferences in the UK and around the world. He has been a member of advisory groups for government, local authorities, suppliers and developers, and supported transformation of technological provision and approaches in both brand new and established schools.