Storytelling - from Bell House to the Raindance Film Festival


Good news from Bell House’s Personal Stories writing workshop. A participant who came to our writing workshop in July told Maggie Smith:

“I have had an exciting few weeks since getting a huge spark of inspiration from your fabulous ‘Personal Stories’ Workshop in July. In August, I wrote the draft of my first feature film screenplay, pitched it at a pitch event at Raindance Film Festival a couple of weeks ago, and won the pitch contest!

 The contest itself wins you feedback from industry professionals (producers, film content buyers, etc) and the satisfaction that you've got a decent idea (plus some cash on the night!). However, the greatest thing it brought me were a couple of connections with producers in London, with whom I've since met in person. They're both reviewing my screenplay now and I'm trying to "fake it ‘til I make it" in the movie business.”

Anther participant on the course says she has “been struck with "Maggie disease," of which there is no cure other than to keep writing. A tree is simply no longer a tree, I sit in the park and have this desire to take everyone on a journey. The sky is no longer blue, its etched in jet streams which dissipate into huge rainbow serpents languishing in the sunset of the last remaining minutes of daylight.”

Maggie Smith is returning to Bell House for her creative personal story workshop on Saturday 9th February (view the event here.) Do come along to get similarly inspired, or even to kickstart your career in the film business!