Support From learning to care

Online Zoom support group Monday 16th November

As usual, I was met with smiles and waves from my fellow members who were deep in discussion about foot problems. Did I know that about the Age UK initiative ‘Happy Feet’ providing subsidised foot care at the Tessa Jowell centre on East Dulwich Grove? No, I didn’t, and my mother was always complaining about her corns and bunions! Ageuk

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Did I think I would get my mother on bike for the disabled? Dulwich Park Cycle recumbents have disability bikes but the £22 for one hour does seem very steep and could they offer concessions?! Wheels for Wellbeing is a wonderful charity that helps disabled people experience cycling. Hmm, I love the idea but, in reality, it is hard enough to get my mother out of our car….

Do you get criticised for your driving someone asks – their mother grips the dashboard in fear despite them driving at 20mph very safely. Much laughter ensued about the ‘back-seat driving’ endured by most of us.

A member’s husband has developed a fear of swimming and another said their mother didn’t like to step over the threshold and would test the ground, as if unsure it would take her weight. Dementia affects visual perception too.

Everyone agrees that Zoom is difficult for people with dementia because communication skills are poor anyway but singing and music activities seem to work better. Saira from LinkAge Southwark shared a link to the YouTube video of a ballerina with Alzheimer’s hearing Swan Lake and beginning to dance – unbelievable moving.


Many are enjoying the musical memory online group run by LinkAge Southwark.

I liked Gary Glitter but is that appropriate now says one of the group?! Well, I liked Michael Jackson says another and what about Rolf Harris? The discussion continued on to Jonathon King, Jimmy Saville and Stewart Hall – oh dear, what was happening in those days…

This lead directly on to a discussion about Trump and whether he would end up in prison and why women might find Boris Johnson attractive – I don’t!

We left on a high because results on testing a COVID vaccine had shown more than 90% effectiveness. Perhaps life could return to normal in Spring 2021 and we could meet face to face once more?