Matthew Collins leading a speaking Shakespeare workshop
Voice coach Matthew Collins works with actors, business people, prisoners and members of the Women’s Institute. He loves helping people explore their voices. And has a passion for helping them explore their voices with a little help from Shakespeare.
Now, he is offering a one-day, in-person Speaking Shakespeare workshop at Bell House.
During the workshop Matthew will introduce participants to the principles of voice work, use vocal exercises to explore participants’ voices, and encourage them to explore selected texts that reflect different aspects of Shakespearean language.
Shakespeare wrote his texts to be spoken. So, whether you’re an actor or someone who has never set foot on a stage, come and speak Shakespeare with Matthew Collins. And feel the effect that Shakespeare’s words can have on the body, mind and even the soul.
This will be an in-person workshop. A day on which we will be present together. After two years of Covid, we'll be sharing space – present with each other physically, socially, vocally....
We won’t be distant – seeing each other as 2D faces, on screens placed on laps, tables, desks, chests of drawers (or in Matthew’s case – a stool on an ironing board). We won’t be in bedrooms, offices, or kitchens. We’ll be in Bell House, transmitting thoughts that became rich, powerful words into our own speech as we send molecules into vibration that our fellow Speaking Shakespeare participants receive.
We’ll be speakers and listeners (hearers of each other’s audio – a real, live audience) enjoying speaking, delighting in vocalising, and enjoying others’ delighting too. This will be a live, community, gathering – an intellectual, emotional, physical pleasure as we explore some of the greatest words ever written.
Your Voice
Everyone has a true voice. But habits – from cultural, physical and psychological influences – sometimes conspire to conceal it.
Voice work aims to free the speaker from such impediments. It’s about regaining confidence to speak from the heart, just like we did as small children. Matthew’s voice classes are fun, educational, and life-enhancing – and powerful Shakespearean texts give the voice a rich, exciting world to explore.
Responses to Matthew’s Speaking Shakespeare Workshops:
‘Was that me? I’ve no idea where that voice came from’ – WI Member at Denman College
‘Active Shakespeare was much more fun than academic study and activities which required students to respond physically to the language are very clearly a winner’ – Teacher at The London Oratory School
‘Really took me out of myself. Cheers guv’ – prisoner at HMP Wormwood Scrubs
Session texts will be sent out to all participants via Eventbrite. These can be printed at home and brought (as hard copies) to the session.
The event will be all day 10.30am to 4.30pm . There will be one break in the morning, one in the afternoon and a 45 minute lunch break. Please bring your own lunch and snacks.
Tickets are £40 per person for the full day. Bursaries are available by contacting Bell House on [email protected].
About Matthew Collins
For ten years Matthew Collins was a presenter on BBC’s The Travel Show. He also presented on This Morning; Wogan and Well Worth A Visit. He runs Shakespeare workshops in prisons; schools; and for the Women’s Institute; as well as for corporate and private clients. For more information on Matthew go to his website