What's the Big Idea Screenwriting Workshop


Blog Entry: Tila


On Thursday evenings I’ve been attending screenwriting workshops hosted by Bell House. Our first session covered the basics of what makes a story. The introduction offered a great deal of insight on each element required to structure a personal writing plan. Even with the use of technical terms, classes are still relevant to a novice screenwriter like me. On week two we explored pitching, and to make things interesting, at the end of this session some of us pitched our own ideas for general feedback. There are a surprisingly good number of opportunities to engage with others taking this course despite sessions being held online. It’s also now getting into the habit of taking and making notes alongside equally new writers. However, attending each week has made me acknowledge that the trials and errors writers face are a not only inevitable, but rather a testament to our working development. In other words, the habit of writing gets easier once you realise that even the screenplays we credit to genius had evolved from just an idea.