Volunteer profile - Dan

We meet Dan for this month’s volunteer profile. Dan is active with our Film Committee, which organises accessible and engaging events and workshops for filmmaking enthusiasts of all abilities and experience levels. Read on to find out what they have planned for the rest of the year!


How long have you been involved with Bell House and what is your focus as a volunteer?

I got started in 2017 and am heavily involved in the Film Committee.

What do you do away from from Bell House? 

I run my own filmmaking company, Perspective Films, which takes up a lot of my time. When I’m not doing that or being Dad, then I’m probably watching a movie or reading a books about movies. I’m fairly film-obsessed.

How long have you lived in the area and what drew you here?

I’ve lived in the area for around 15 years. My wife drew me here. Very glad she did too.

What is your favourite thing to do in and around Dulwich?

Run. I love running around Dulwich Park.

 What do you think you bring to Bell House as a volunteer and what do you get out of it?

I hopefully bring an enthusiasm and a sense of humour. As to what I get out of Bell House, well, I think Bell House has allowed me to discover the joy of sharing one’s passion with others. I think the commitment, dedication and generosity of spirit found at Bell House is infectious.

What is the best project or event you’ve been involved with at Bell House?

My good friend James Broadley (another Bell House Film Committee member) and I created Make a Film in a Weekend (MaFiaW for short), which pretty much does what it says on the tin – we and bunch of young adults get together and make a film over a weekend. The people, the energy, the camaraderie – it’s magical. MaFiaW is one of the best things I’ve ever done and we are hoping to get another one up and running at Bell House as soon as we are able to do so.

What are you working on now or what have you been working on recently?

I’ve been editing a number of cookery videos I shot at the end of last year. I’ve also been busy getting a series of Bell House online monthly film workshops up and running. It’s called ‘Filmmaking 101’ and will run throughout the year. The idea is that each month an industry professional will host a two-hour workshop, where they will discuss and dissect a particular discipline within the filmmaking process. We’ve got a lot of really great people lined up to talk (yes, I am one of them). It’s really exciting.

Are there any forthcoming projects, events or initiatives that you are particularly excited about?

Did I mention ‘Filmmaking 101’?! Our first four speakers are confirmed and, by the time you read this, the events should be up on the Bell House website and Eventbrite. We kick off on Thursday 18th March, when the fantastic Darren Rapier will host a screenwriting workshop. In April, on Thursday 15th, the brilliant Kaspar Kamu will explore lighting. On Thursday 13th May, yours truly will be looking at the camera, with particular attention paid to making films with your smartphone. And, on Thursday 17th June, the wonderful Aidan Largey will talk about directing. Further events covering acting, producing and editing will be announced soon. Watch this space!