Volunteer Profile – Rosie

Cast your mind back to December and you’ll remember that we were fundraising for Bell Health films as part of the Big Give Christmas Challenge. This month we shine a spotlight on Rosie, who coordinates the Bell Health project. Here she tells us why the work she and the rest of the team does is so important!

If you’re interested in health and like the sound of what Bell Health does, we’d love for you to join us! Our steering group meets monthly and always welcomes new members – please get in touch with [email protected].

What is your role as a volunteer?

I coordinate the Bell Health project, where we host insightful and accessible talks about a range of health topics. Once our steering group have decided on a topic, I help source experts to speak at the event. I usually contact local and national charities relevant to the topic to partner with and with whom we split any donations.

I've also helped to introduce social prescribing at Bell House, where health professionals can 'refer' people to us to engage in a social activity like gardening or quilting. Good company really can make a huge difference to mental and physical wellbeing.

How long have you been involved with Bell House?

I’ve volunteered at Bell House for about 18 months. I got involved shortly after moving to London.

What do you do away from Bell House?

When not working or volunteering, I’m usually out and about with friends. I enjoy art galleries and live music. I’m also a keen swimmer and love getting out of the city when I can – like to the alpaca farm in my photo!

What do you think you bring to Bell House as a volunteer and what do you get out of it?

Volunteering at Bell House gives me an opportunity to feel like I am having a positive impact in the community. I’m passionate about empowering people to be aware of their health and I am proud of the work we do! I think I bring enthusiasm and hopefully some good ideas here and there…!

What is the best project or event you’ve been involved with at Bell House?

I’ve been involved in the organisation of lots of interesting talks at Bell House. Some personal favourites include online talks on PMS and on miscarriage.

What have you been working on recently?

I have recently been involved in the Big Give campaign, where we successfully raised £4,000 to fund the commissioning of educational Bell Health films. We have previously commissioned films around what to expect when you start your periods and about cervical cancer screening, which you can see on Bell House's YouTube channel. By making films, we can reach many more people than with live events and so they are a great way of promoting health.

Are there any forthcoming projects, events or initiatives that you are particularly excited about?

I'm very excited to be putting on a second event about periods for young people. We first put this event on in 2019 and it was really successful! Starting your period can be a daunting time and so equipping young people with an understanding of what's happening and what to expect can be really beneficial. We're hoping this can be a recurring event every few years going forward.