Mental Health First Aid course

In September Bell House volunteer, Lizzie O’Connor attended the Mental Health First Aid course run for Bell House by Tracy from Way to Wellbeing. You can find out how she got on below:

Why did you do this Bell House course?

I became aware of ‘mental health’ during my time at University, I tried to use my interest in sport and exercise as a way to create campaigns and initiatives to improve the mental health of University students. However, I found that I didn’t have a deep enough understanding of mental health, its definitions, the language and ways to help people.

 What did you learn from the course?

We learned about mental health diagnoses, risk factors, preventative measures, and how to approach, listen and support someone struggling with their mental health whilst using the correct language. I also learned about the mental health continuum and the stress container. These are two visual ways of discussing mental health and stress/anxiety, which I found incredibly insightful.

 What surprised you about the course?

I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable I felt in the group, and at the end we all said how we had felt supported and able to share intimate thoughts, opinions or questions with each other. Tracy had facilitated a truly open and engaging environment, despite the course being delivered online.

 Would you recommend the course?

I would recommend this course without hesitation to anyone who wants to learn more about mental health, or anyone who doesn’t have a great understanding of the topic. Tracy was an excellent practitioner and created a welcoming and safe environment for us all to ask questions and learn. The group size was perfect, as we all felt that we could share our own experiences of mental health and everyone was able to contribute.

 What will you take away from the course?

 Each week, Tracy set us ‘homework’, for example, taking time for ourselves or having a conversation with someone whilst practicing the listening skills we had  learned on the course.  I will carry what I gained from those tasks  as well as a greater understanding of mental health diagnoses, symptoms and the appropriate response I could have, into my life going forward.

There will be another opportunity to join this course in November. More details can be found here. This is an accredited course.
